Sunday, 19 September 2010

Florida: Are you hungry?

I woke up around 10 and enjoyed the fact that I didn't have anywhere to be. I opened the bedroom door, so the others knew I wasn't still asleep and went onto the computer to sort through and upload the pictures from the past couple of days.

I didn't actually make a proper appearance until about 2pm. By which point, Cathy seemed sure I must be starving. Later, she also told me that she'd read my blogs before I came over and that one had even made her cry. That's how she knew I was a 'nice boy'.

Originally, today, we were going out for a meal with the grandparents. That ultimately changed to a meal here, with some extra guests in the form of the Carlen family. It was nice, I felt bad that I didn't get to talk to the grandparents more, but at the same time, I'm glad it was at home, rather than some fancy restaurant.

After dinner, we talked over what we were doing at night and eventually decided on what had been the plan all along. Go to the beach cinema and watch the movie that was playing -- they have an open air cinema, down by the beach, that places a different movie every friday and saturday night. Tonight, it was Iron Man (last night it was Hook).

That ended up being really cool. The traffic, people and dogs were a little distracting, but if I was going to be here another weekend, I'd definitely wanna go again.

When we got back, we chatted a bit and then eventually headed to bed. Everyone's getting ill and I don't think I'm the exception any more. I had a really scratchy throat as I was going to sleep.


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